Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 2 - Pushing Myself

Today required a lot from me. I was moody and cranky. Once the kids went off to bed, I was ready to plop down on the couch with a movie and forget about working out. I don't know what came over me, but I decided that I was still going to watch a movie and linger in my crappy attitude, just AFTER I worked out. What a great decision! I already feel better, plus I'm proud of myself. Score one for me!

Food today: Still a problem area. It wasn't so much WHAT I ate today, it was just my lack of eating, and my lack of eating at normal times. Definitely room for improvement.

Water today: Ugh, only 14 oz, again! All during my workout.

Exercise: Walking Cardio Shape Up with Chris Freytag, again courtesy of OnDemand. I had opted for something that I thought would be nice and easy - walking, come on, how could that be hard? Well, shoot, they fooled me! It was intense, but I really got a lot out of it. It did require use of dumbbells, which I didn't have on me, but I still did the motions without them and felt a burn. I need to figure out where the dumbbells ended up in the move. Garage, maybe? Eh, that's a job for the hubby!

Saturday Goals:
1. Drink 28 oz of water.
2. Workout!
3. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Day 2 overall: Powered through, thus I feel semi-successful!

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