Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Can I start over, again?

Today was going to be a challenge, I knew that going in. It's not a normal workout day, as I've yet to figure out how to workout with the husband hanging around. Mama's a bit self-conscious!

Food: Breakfast, fabulous, logged it in Sparkpeople, all was good. Lunch, not my best, but it was okay. Dinner, it was make-up Christmas with my mom, brother, and grandma today, as my mom had been sick with pneumonia over Christmas. We had pizza (festive! and oh so yummy!), I did well with only two pieces, had a small portion of ice cream for dessert. But...I just don't feel like I was in my calorie range. I didn't log anything, so that's a negative for me, too.

Water: Craaaaaaaaaap. Why do I forget to drink freakin water??????

Exercise: I cleaned the living room. Go me.

Blahhhhhhhhh. I want this. I do. I gotta work harder, though, or I'll be this size for eternity!!!!

Now, THAT is a scary thought.

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